Holovincent's Personal Website

Neural Networks For Low Level Image Processing


Neural Networks for Low Level Image Processing

Until recently, machine learning (ML) or neural networks (NN) are mainly used in high level vision tasks, such as image segmentation, object recognition and detection. Low level image processing such as denoising, demosaicing, white balance still mainly rely on signal processing based methods which uses expert designed filters. There are usually a long list of filters in the whole processing pipeline which is run on a dedicated ISP chip. In the past one or two years, there are two new trends. One trend is that more and more researchers propose to apply NN for low level image processing and achieved fascinating performance in term of image quality and processing speed. The other trend is that neural network chip becomes more and more popular at various mobile platform, such as the latest Apple A11 Bionic chip and Huawei Kirin 970 chip. I believe in the near further, NN based methods will play important roles at some low level image processing tasks also some ISP chip may include some NN computing units.

This is a personal collection of works using neural networks for low level image processing. The list will be regularly updated. You are welcome to contribute. Papers of significance are marked in bold. My comments are marked in italic.

For a up-to-date list, please follow this github repository.

Table of Contents

Review and comments

Color constancy



Automatic adjustment

From the publications, we can find that Adobe has done a lot of work pushing the usage of machine learning in low-level image processing especially automatic photo adjustment.


Super-resolution is one of the areas that NN has been applied extensively and achieved great success.

Artefacts removal


Image quality evaluation


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